
flights of fancyThe newcomers fascinated Gyenn. She watched them flit around in the warm moist air daring her to catch one of them.

The elders warned her not to touch them, but they teased her so.

What did they feel like? Would they hurt or feel nice? They were flying so close, what if one of them touched her?

She put out her hand, held her breath, and closed her eyes. She felt warmth on her finger tips. The heat slid down her arm to her heart. Her eyes flew open. Staring back at her was the prettiest, most serene face she had ever seen. The warmth grew around her and she closed her eyes again. It didn't hurt after all.


"Midnight Snack"

Ralf and Franz loved to stay up late at night with their friend Mendy. One night they were all hanging out like they usually do when Mendy's tummy suddenly rumbled out loud.

He licked his lips and said, "I guess I need a snack."

Ralf and Franz shot sly looks to each other then turned to look at Mendy.

"You need more than a snack, you're too skinny." said Ralf

Franz agreed, "Yeah, mice should be fat."

Mendy protested, “I’m fat enough to be happy and skinny enough so you won’t eat me.”

“Get as fat as you want. We don’t care. Mice taste bad anyway.”

Mendy heard the words the cats said but couldn’t believe his ears. They didn’t care if he got fat! This was good news. So he set about eating all the cheese in the house. When he was done he waddled past the sleeping cats hoping to get to his hole before they woke up. He was stopped short by a big fuzzy foot blocking his way.

Franz slowly opened one eye. “You’re still too skinny. Go eat the cheese in the neighbor’s house.”

Mendy thought that was an odd comment, but oh well, it meant more cheese. So off he went. Room by room. He was having such a good time he didn’t stop with the neighbor’s house. On and on, house by house, until all the cheese in the town was gone. Pretty soon Mendy had eaten his way around the world. He was so big now that those cats couldn’t eat him if they wanted to. He looked around, then up, and with one big jump he landed on the last piece of cheese.


it keeps us grounded.
it gives us weight.
we try to fight it.
but it's too late.

it spins us round
this earthbound ball.
we try to fight it.
it wins the fall.

in outerspace
it lets us go.
we can not find it.
we need it so.

down to earth we float.
we tried our wings.
we find that roots
are better things.